Source: Graphic News

Top 10 Hurricane Sandy Infographics 2012
About Hurricane Sandy:
Hurricane is a wind that mostly forms above the ocean water. In the year 1979, Robert Simpson, the director of U.S National Hurricane center has designed a scale to measure the hurricane and he classified the hurricane storm in to five types that includes Minimal, Moderate, Extensive, Extreme and catastrophic based on the storm wave and wind speed.
Information About Hurricane
Source: RiaNovosti
Hurricane sandy report:
Due to Hurricane sandy in United States, several US states such as New York and New Jersey got affected in a worst way. More than 300 patients have evacuated from the NY medical hospital, 24 rail cars are present on roads and 2.6 million New Jersey households are left without power.
Hurricane Sandy Report By Numbers
Source: Estrian
Super storm sandy:
In most of the hurricane affected states, millions of households have faced the power cut problems. Among all US states, more than 2.1 million of households in New York had power outage. The estimated damage due to hurricane sandy is $ 20 billion.
Outline of SuperStorm Sandy
Economic loss for countries:
Several countries were affected economically and incurred a great loss in terms of money. The total loss of United States amounts to $ 10 – 55 billion, damage create by hurricane in Cuba is worth of $ 80 million, the destruction cost of hurricane sandy in in Jamaica and Dominican Republic is 16.5million.
Economic Destruction by Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane damage:
As of November 1st, a total of 143 deaths were recorded of which 73 deaths are from United States, 54 are from Haiti and 11 people died in Cuba. The hurricane storm has left more than 6.2 million people living in 11 states without power and more than 15,000 flights were canceled.
Number of Hurricane Related Deaths
Hurricane power cuts:
More than 6.8 million households and businesses were left without power. Several power generating companies such as First Energy, PSEG, LIPA, National Grid, PPL, Pepco, Dominion and Duke have reported a large amount of power outage. In the projected path of hurricane sandy, a nine mile point 1 new reactor at New York has shut down.
Power Outages of Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane and US elections:
Several prominent swing states that play major role in U.S general elections which have large number of votes have been adversely damaged by the hurricane. To implement electronic voting in states where most of the voters cast their vote through touch screen systems is not possible as these states are still under power cut.
HURRICANE SANDY: Impact on U.S. election
Social media for communication:
Most of the internet users residing in United States have used social media as the communication device to confer with their friends and close acquaintances. Of every 10 internet users, 8 users talked about hurricane sandy and 1st presidential debate.
Effect of sandy storm:
Due to high intensity hurricanes, most of the cloud servers get affected and may go down resulting in huge loss for the businesses using these cloud servers. In case if cloud servers of Amazon are hit by the Hurricane, then there will be loss of data related to 762 billion objects.
Effects of Hurricane on Cloud Servers
Source: Slash Dot
Hurricane types:
From the year 2009 – 2012, hurricane has occurred 4 times in different areas of united states. Of these 4 hurricanes, the most deadliest was hurricane Katrina that occurred in the year 2005 and recored a death toll of 1,836. the less effective hurricane was cyclone Yasi with a wind speed of 290 kph.
Comparsion of Hurricane Sandy
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